Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Well I have questioned my self more times than I can count now. I'm sure my brain has been flip flopping around. I have been asking God to show me what it is he wants me to do. Then I bought this book called "crazy love". One of the chapters said to not pray for a week. I thought what dont pray is he crazy, but I kept reading . The author stated that sometimes we talk too much. That we dont listen enough. So basically he was saying hush and listen. So thats what I have been trying to do. I have an idea where my new journey may lead me though I'm not completly sure. So i'll just keep reading my bible and listen for his directions.

Friday, July 15, 2011

time to heal

Only a few friends and family know what I have been through the past year. Some things only I know. I made a huge decision to leave my current job in hopes for finding a different one. Im so uncertain as to what God has in store for me right now. I can only hope that I'm following his will. I went through so many times of deppresion and panic attacks. More than once I thought this cant be good for my health. Now I feel the need to draw closer to God and just heal. I pray and hope I made the right choice and for God's grace.